
Monday, May 11, 2015

Adios, Adios, Adios!

            The first story I ever wrote was titled, “Timmy the Monkey and His First Play Date,” or something along those lines. It was about (shocker!) a monkey named Timmy and his first play date with Tommy the Cat. I know it’s not the most creative plot, but I was in first grade so give me a break.

            I enjoyed writing that story more than I did working as a fashion consultant for my Bratz dolls or substituting bricks for legos as I constructed my dream house. The crayon nuzzled in my right hand, telling the story in my mind to the blue sheets of construction paper my mom had stapled together for me. I also decided to include artistic depictions of pivotal scenes in case my readers could not understand what game Timmy and his friend were playing or why Tommy had to go home at the end. Once I finished, I let my one adoring fan read my story. My mom loved it.

            It's one of the fondest memories from my childhood.  

            Now, here I am many years later. I’ve gone from writing fictional stories in crayon for my mom to writing down my experiences and thoughts on God and Christianity for readers of my blog. It’s been a year and half since I began this blog and I still can’t believe people even wanted to read what I’ve had to say. I kept thinking to myself, “Wow, people actually care? What a blessing!”

            As wonderful as this blessing has been, I am both sad and happy to say it is time to move on. I’ve enjoyed writing for my blog a great deal and I’m completely grateful for all of the readers who have taken even a second of their day to glance at my few posts. As much fun as I’ve had, though, I’m no longer a teenager. In addition, I’m graduating soon and I know God has plenty more planned for me after I welcome this diploma into my life.

Although I am happy to say “hello” to the next stage of my life, I am sad to say “goodbye” to my blog. However, I want to make it clear that I am in no way saying “goodbye” to my writing or readers of my writing in general. I sure hope that if I ever start another blog or become a famous author someday, readers of this blog will continue to enjoy what I have created.

And readers? Please don’t let me become one of those attention-hogging authors on TV whose sole wish is to magically transform books into cash. It’s always been about the writing and the talent that God has given me; I never want it to become anything else.

So, if you ever see my name on some fancy novel on a Barnes & Nobles shelf, just remind me about the monkey story, the little girl who wrote it, and the aspiring writer that she bloomed into with nothing more but a Christian teen blog.

God bless,
Selys Rivera